"What Is It?" Wednesday: Majolica Match Up!

Shaking things up a bit for WIIW this week, try matching up these majolica sherds to their type.  Those who guess correctly get an "I DIG 1565" bumpersticker!


Sherd 1_____________________                       
Sherd 2_____________________                    
Sherd 3_____________________                     
Sherd 4_____________________                    

Sherd 1

Sherd 2
Sherd 3

Sherd 4

Need help narrowing it down?  We'll give you the possible types in chronological order:

A.  Santo Domingo (1565-1630)                     
B.  Aucilla Polychrom (1650-1700)
C.  Abo Polychrome (1650-1750)
D.  San Augustin Blue on White (1700-1730)

Answer to the last WIIW Bonafied Mystery: I believe these are non-cultural ecofacts.  They look like cypress roots and timbers weathered by nature, not whittled by humans.  Hard to tell as they've been in the river so long.  Liked the fishing weir idea!  Artifacts are being reburied by the land owner this month.

Text and Images: Sarah Miller, FPAN staff