Diving for Cultural Heritage

We've been working hard on our diving program at our office to bring folks in our area more resources and programming about underwater sites. Here's some updates from the field...underwater!

Kevin and myself diving in Biscayne National Park.
Safety first! We headed to Pensacola in July to get our yearly swim test and dive check out. We also did some pretty fun entanglement training.

Sarah pre- and post dive in Pensacola.

In August, we helped out several other centers to offer a Submerged Sites Education and Archaeological Stewardship course at Biscayne National Park. The program trains sports divers to act as site stewards: recording, monitoring and completing site assessments when they dive on them. We wanted to learn how to offer the training in our area....and check out some of the amazing sites the Park has!
SSEAS attendees mapping a ship in Biscayne National Park.

This week we were back at it! We practiced our own mapping skills at Alexander Springs in the Ocala National Forest.

Kevin and Rachael practicing baselines and offsets on our created site.

To learn more about sites to dive in Biscayne National Park, check out their Maritime Heritage Trail.

To learn more about diving Alexander Springs for yourself, check out their website.

Stay tuned for some underwater programming coming to an area close to you soon.

Words and images by Emily Jane Murray, FPAN Staff.