Update from the Field: Monitoring at Marineland Midden with Miranda

 Miranda has been out visiting field schools and sites throughout the Northeast Region as part of her summer internship with us. Here's some notes from her latest visit to a shell midden in Marineland, FL. To learn more about Miranda, check out her first blog and her blog on UNF's field school.

What did you find at the site? We found lots of oyster shells, some drum fish bones and other animal bones.

What was interesting about the site? The site was interesting because it was located right next to Marineland.

How does it compare to other places you visited this summer? The Marineland site was nothing like Big Talbot Island. In Big Talbot Island, the mounds were trash midden. It was full of trash (other artifacts), but the Marineland midden was mostly full of oyster shells. It was a cool experience to be able to go out and see so many oyster shells in one area. There were a couple of animal bones and conch shells, which were in good condition. I found a drum fish bone, which was cool. Before that day I had no idea drum fish even existed!

I was put in charge of the HMS paper work and had to list the possible hazards and condition of the site as well as the location and whether or not I recommended the site be visited by another team. It was an interesting experience. I must say it was quite exciting beging able to see thousands of oyster shells near the roots of a fallen tree.

Words and images by Miranda Van Zyl, FPAN Intern.