More Majolica Manicures: Aucilla Polychrome & How To (Steps 1-13)
Earlier this year we put together our first PechaKucha for Florida Archaeology Month. Ryan talked about what to wear (or not) in the field, Kevin gave an ode to his trowel, and Emily Jane looked at archaeologists obsession with beer. My contribution was 20 slides/20 seconds each talking about the whats and whys of Majolica Manicures.
I couldn't go bare-nails, so I picked Aucilla polychrome in honor of 2014 Florida Archaeology Month's emphasis on paleo wet sites. The Aucilla River Project surveyed sites in the 1990s along the river including the Page/Ladson site and Sloth Hole where evidence of Floridians hunting mastodons 12,200 years ago was found.
Aucilla polychrome the majolica type is in no way related to the paleo sites but named for the same river where the ceramic was first identified by Goggin in 1968. Aucilla Polychrome was made in Mexico City and is found today by Florida archaeologists working on late 17th century sites.
Want to make your own? Follow these 13 steps and show your work on FPAN northeast's Facebook or Twitter using the #majolicamani hashtag.
Step 6. In Mexico City back in the day (ca 1650) they probably started first with the thin black lines. The artisans that applied the black line were regulated and had higher status than those applying the more abstract lines. One thing I've learned from these manicures is that it truly is the thinner lines that make the difference- a reason for the higher status. In 2014 however, I start with the green or larger colors as the black lines will blur if applied too early.
So I begin with so shapes inspired by designs from the illustrated specimens. The color palate is also very important when doing majolica manicures. I have multiple blues and greens so I can get as close a match as possible.
Step 8. The orange wasn't quite right, so I added a layer of yellow on top of the orange bands to get a brighter shade.
For more #MajolicaMani posts check out:
- Aucilla Polychrome (1650-1700)
- San Elizario (1750-1800)
- San Luis Polychrome 1650-1750*
- Abo Polychrome 1650-1725*
- Puebla Polychrome 1650-1725*
- FAN NAIL! Faince (18th C)*
Text: Sarah Miller, FPAN staff
Images: Sarah Miller, except digital type collection images of Aucilla Polychrome sherds from Florida Museum of Natural History - Digital Type Collection.