Protecting the past, one bumper at a time!

From time to time we make reference to our "I DIG 1565" bumper sticker, and it just occurred to me that some of you might not know what we're talking about.

Several years ago in an effort to support New Smyrna Beach's city archaeological ordinance, Ponce Inlet's archaeology ordinance, and Volusia County's preservation ordinance we developed a "Volusia's in Ruins" bumper sticker.  The idea was to hand out the bumper sticker at displays where we could explain the importance of the ordinance and pass out a copy for the public to view.  Establishing an archaeological ordinance is the best chance a community has at preserving its buried past, its heritage.  And while starting one can be difficult, keeping it on the books can be even harder in these economic times.

With the Volusia experience under our belt we turned our attention to other city or county communities with established ordinances.  While some St. Augustine residents are aware we have our very own city archaeologists, Carl Halbirt, they may not be aware of the archaeological ordinance that created his position.  St. Augustine was the obvious choice for the next design, and our most popular.  We chose 1565 to overlap with the 450th commemoration and establishing date for our town.  Below the motto is the simple statement: Support Saint Augustine Archaeology.  We passed these out at the city birthday commemorations, SAAA lectures, the Discover First America series, and they are available anytime at our Center that is open to the public on Flagler College campus.

We have another bumper sticker ready to roll out: Piecing Together Our Past, Support St. Johns County Archaeology.  In a tie for oldest county in Florida, St. Johns county has an archaeological ordinance and a historical resource specialist, Robin Moore, to monitor historic properties owned by the county.

It always gives me great joy when driving up Highway 1 to see the bumper stickers and know the passion for the past is as magical as osmosis.  Bumper stickers are available at FPAN northeast events and at our Center. If you are out of town or not able to attend our events, try for one of our "What Is It Wednesday" contests featured on this blog, our facebook and twitter. Or if you promise to put it on your car and send me a picture, first 10 to contact me and mention this blog post get a sticker of their choice!

Text: Sarah Miller, FPAN staff
Images: graphics developed by Flagler College graphic design interns: Kate Groeneveld-Volusia,
Katelyn Calautti-St. Augustine and St. Johns County.