Interpretive Panels at Kingsley Plantation (NPS)

While Kingsley Plantation (NPS) site is closed to visitors during Covid-19, today I'm giving a talk on Archaeology at Kingsley Plantation and wanted to share two panels you would normally see as you enter the park as a visitor that talks briefly about those who lived at Kingsley Plantation, and some of the artifacts recovered by Dr. James Davidson's field schools in the early years that highlight the cultural origins of those who lived and worked on the plantation.

We encourage you to visit Kingsley in a myriad of virtual ways until the park re-opens when it is safe for all visitors.

Virtual Fieldtrips NPS learn more page


Virtual Florida Fieldtrip (FPAN) ā€“ Kingsley Plantation Video

Project Archaeology: Investigating a Tabby Slave Cabin ā€“ Curriculum links here for teacher book, student book, and 2021 training dates

James Davidson Google Scholar Page


Kingsley Plantation pages for Visiting and History


Kingsley Plantation Field School page: Timucuans, Mission Site, Graveyard


Interactive excavation blog

Gullah Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor

Timucuan Preserve Facebook Page


And of course FPAN! Check out the Northeast Regional page and download map of sites, including Kingsley, to visit.

Text: Sarah Miller, FPAN staff
Images: Interpretive panels installed at the park created in partnership with the Timucuan Preserve (NPS), University of Florida at Dr. James Davidson of the Anthropology Department, and staff of FPAN.