Cemetery a Day in May: Beresford (Volusia County)

Cemetery Log Date: May 28, 2013

I just came from Volusia County where the Historic Preservation Board voted unanimously to recommend Beresford Cemetery for Historic Site designation according to their Historic Preservation Ordinance.  Beresford is one of the oldest rural family cemeteries beginning with wee Maggie internment in 1869.  The cemetery is located on the highest point of land in the community, as was the custom in Volusia in the 19th century.  Distinctive markers include Woodsman of the World, obelisks, and Union and Confederate military markers. 
Applicant Harriet Thomas, descendant of the Alexander family, gives testimony.
Who:  Alexander Cemetery Land Trust
What: Rural cemetery, near Alexander homestead that was destroyed by tornado in 2006
Where: West Beresford Ave, outside of DeLand Mao
When:  Open dusk to dawn 365 days a year
  • First historic cemetery to be designated to the Volusia County register of historic places
  • Part of the Gatio Grant purchased by John W. Starke in 1851
  • Earliest marker for Maggie Alexander, infant daughter of Andrew Alexander, 1869
  • Previous location of Betersford Presbyterian Church built in 1872, no longer standing
  • Listed to local register for historic significance ((genealogy, continuously used site, commerce, and historical events reflected above the ground) as well as archaeological significance.

    Woodsman of the World

    Fallen obelisk

    This stone was inside fenced area seen at top of the page.

    Earliest markers belong to infants, Maggie Alexander 1869 on the right.

    Kirk, in need of some D2!

    Text: Sarah Miller, FPAN staff using application of certificate of designation by applicant Harriet Thomas and staff report notes by Julie Adams Scofield.  Photos: fresh from the field today by Sarah Miller with Julie as a willing guide.

    For previous posts search: Cemetery a Day in May or #CaDiM

    Intro, May 1: National, May 2: Oakdale, May 3: Murphy's Creek, May 4: Mt. Olive, May 5: Bosque Bello, May 6: Old City, May 7: Espanola, May 8: Tolomato, May 9: Pacetti, May 10: West View, May 11: Magnolia SpringsMay 12: St. Peter's, May 13: Gravely Hill, May 14: Pilgrim's Rest, May 15: God's Little Acre, May 16: Dummet's Grave, May 17: No Name, May 18: St. Monica, May 19: St. Joseph's, May 20:  Old St. Joseph's (Duval), May 21: Sampson, May 22: Fernandez Reserve, May 23: St. Ambrose, May 24: Sons of Israel, May 25: Sanksville, May 26: Huguenot, May 27: Nombre de Dios, May 28: Beresford